Thursday, March 25, 2010

Master Co Feng Shui consultant

Master Co Feng Shui consultant / Taoist spiritual minister
offer free Feng Shui consultation
Master Co is one of the few Asian feng shui and geomancy masters dedicating their lives to the ancient science-art of fengshui and life reading in its truest sense.
Many probably are unaware that fengshui is about a revealer disclosing the truth, construed from the principles of fengshui and life reading, bearing possible onslaught of heavenly consequences. Self-sacrifice on the part of the Master is necessary. Traditional Chinese who know about this unwritten actuality give high respect to a true Master.
Places which need thorough “cleaning up” will warrant the service of such a Master for failure through inexperience will not only affect the harmony of fengshui but also the occupants, resulting in a series of unhappy incidents and in a worst case scenario – fatality.
Residential Geomancy
A. Personal assessment of the unit and the environment by Master Co .
B. Date and procedures for initiating renovation.
C. Date and procedures for shifting in. Religion has no conflict with feng shui and procedures differ
respective to religion.
D. Feng shui design for all residential unit will include:
  • Position for stove, basin, fridge, washing machine
  • Position for T.V and sofa.
  • Position for dining table, study area, placement of religious symbols, statutes.
  • Position of beds for all rooms matching the occupants’ Eight Characters.
  • Suggested colour scheme for wall and curtains only.
  • Choice of material and colours of flooring, furnishings are entirely occupants’ preference.
E. Consultation on the changes of feng shui and the after changes review.
Please note initiating of renovation and shifting in procedures are all done by client and not by Master Co.
Basis for feng shui design:
1. The directional needs of occupants as derived from Eight Characters in relation to the unit’s direction and layout.
2. The luck cycle of the unit as derived from feng shui methodology. Master uses a combination of methodology to conceptualize the feng shui layout of the unit.
3. Internal environment of unit. The factor of natural light, wind, shape of the unit, the interior layout flow, existing structure, beams and pillars and fixture etc.
4. The general external environment of the unit ie the neighbouring unit, presence of religion buildings, pointing objects, canal, rivers, landform, flow of human traffic etc
5. Client’s personal layout requirements, religion requirements, family size etc
The necessity of Master Co feng shui design for clients:
  • Where the positioning is unsuitable, shifting or alternative changes are necessary.
  • The use of feng shui paintings is encouraged where appropriate.
  • The water position will be suggested when the unit suits having one. Not all units justify the placing of water feature.
  • The use of plants, Fu Lu Shou figurines, mirrors, partition may be applicable but not for all cases.
  • Other placement or designs appropriate for individual case.
With regard to actual feng shui practise, Master Co Professional Geomancy Services does not suggest the following:
1. The wealth position is in the washroom and therefore left vacant and must not be used.
2. The master bedroom unsuitable for the head of household and left vacant.
3. The entire unit hacked and layout as the Master is not experienced and skilful to manipulate feng shui layout.
4. Placement of animal zodiacs ie Qilin, Rhinoceros, Amethyst, chimes, crystal.
5. Position for daily recharge as the spot is neutral with no magnetic influences. There is no place in the house with no magnetic influences especially with hand phones, wireless control, the magnetic influences are increasing!
6. The tilting of the main door to change the facing of the unit.
7. The use of curtain to ward off the external objects pointing towards the unit.
8. Personal assessment of the unit is necessary and feng shui improvements suggested based on plan layout alone is not done.
Master Co feng shui design is clean, logical, and sensible. The external environment likewise plays an equally important part in affecting the feng shui of the home.
5 years review service

All commercial and residential feng shui service comes with 5 years consultation, review or progress session. Following the changes, customers are encouraged to come for yearly consultation or review. This is in relation to the yearly horoscope cycle and customer can benefit by making minor additions of plants, water feature etc. There will not be major changes to the main feng shui layout. The best timing for the review will be year-end before the Lunar Chinese New Year. This is to prepare for the changes before the onset of Li Chun (立春) , which mark the beginning of the change of year and the change of the yearly feng shui.
Within the 5 years period, consultation about the unit is welcome.
Please note that Master Co does not accept any appointment two weeks prior to the Lunar New Year.
Guidelines for booking of feng shui consultation:
1. Please furnish scaled floor plan and date of birth and time of all occupants for the unit.
2. Appointment for assessment of the unit will be followed after preparation has been made.
3. Master Co gives feng shui layout of the unit after a thorough conceptualization and serious consideration. Discussed and the ultimate decision. Client has a copy for keeping and reference. Methodology on the luck cycle of the unit is also included in the report.
4. Client may seek consultation throughout the entire stage of renovation for all items pertaining to feng shui of the unit. Date and procedures for the relevant are given approaching the necessary. Shifting in date is given only after renovation is near completion. Shifting date is selected once only.
Landed Residential Geomancy
Master Co Professional Geomancy Services offers the following services for construction projects, A & A (Addition & Alteration) projects.
Design for interior and exterior facade
* Interior facade design coverage

1. Necessary layout alteration for all rooms on every storey.
2. For all bedrooms, suggested position for wardrobe and bed, colour for wall paints and curtains. Clients have freedom of choice for colour of bedsheets and other furnishings.
3. Staircase relocation and proposed design, if requested by client and necessary in Master Co opinion.
4. Main door positioning in facade; height and design of door where necessary.
5. Layout design for living hall, dining area, kitchen, study area.
6. Choice of colour and material of sofa, dining table, flooring is up to the client.
7. Electrical points are the client’s decision.
* Exterior facade design consultation

1. Extension and addition of structures.
2. Exterior facade paint colour.
3. Choice of fencing.
* Consultation for roof design
1. Date for re-roofing, removing existing roof.
2. Date for concealing or completion of roofing.
* General landscape consultation
1. Fengshui well design, placement and positioning.
2. Position for pond, water feature, outdoor artifacts.
3. Soft features – flora, fauna.
4. Numbering for fishes.
5. Outdoor structures ;bird cage, pavilion.
6. Ongoing consultation.
* Where applicable, consultation for
1. Shifting in procedures.
2. Placement of religious artifacts.
3. Placement of ancestral tablet, design for ancestral hall.
4. All fengshui related concerns.
5. Enhancement of the general aesthetic features of the facade, i.e., lighting, outdoor aesthetic placement of artifacts.
6. Ongoing consultation.
Taoist Method of Praying
  • Praying
When praying, the mind is relaxed, sincere. Use both hands to form a bagua(八卦)representing Yin and Yang. Mentally prepare what you wish to say, and begin by addressing the Deity, then state your name, date and time of birth, address and wish.
  • Holding the joss sticks
Both hands should form a bagua shape with the ends of the joss sticks touching the center of your palms, where the blood vessels are believed to lead to your heart. This signifies connection to a sincere heart. In this way, when you pray, your wish can be heard.

The ends of the joss sticks should be at the centre of the palm. For the artery flows back to the heart, touching the centre of the palm is for a linkage of the sincere heart. Grasped the joss sticks with the right hand for the lady and the man uses the left. Bring the other hand with the same grasped manner to form a "Bakua" shape.
Pray starting from the heart and bring the joss sticks to the mid of the two eyebrows. Repeat this for three times. At the third time, resting at the forehead, address the deity, say your name, date of birth and time and address and your wish.
Ends with another three bow before planting the joss sticks into the altar incense censer.

Items for praying and requesting for blessing

Gold paper ( Thi Kong Kim )
Sandalwood incense ( Lao San Hiu / Sin San Hiu )
Red Candle
5 fruit ( Pineapple , apple , orange , banana , melon )
Keh Hap ( Chinese sweet and pastries ) Hopia , peanut cake , hwat keh , ang lau hweh , bee kuh , tikoy ,
5 canned goods ( fruit cocktail , lychee , peaches , longan , black gulaman )
Oil ( for lamp offering )
Flower ( sampaguita , chrysanthemum , orchid , rose )

Enlightenment of Taoist Deities
For the Chinese, Taoism has a set of procedures for the enlightening of deities.
Enlightenment Procedure

The enlightening procedure involves an experienced person chanting the required script and marking required points of the deity with a Chinese brush dipped in "zhu sha" ink to bring the statue to "live". The required spots are the five organs of senses, limbs and various parts of the body.
For the procedure, a statue of the deity is selected. Other usual accessories include an urn for the altar, a Chinese brush, a small round mirror and other common praying items. The choice of deity depends on the trade the follower is engaged in. For example for a company or office , "Guan di" carrying the sabre is a preferred choice whereas the "Guan di" reading a book is not so compatible. There are also different chanting procedures for the respective deities.
A proper enlightening date is selected based on the Chinese almanac, "Tong Sheng". The date must be compatible with the follower and it is also a date when the deity is believed to be present.
To ensure the deity’s continued presence and strength, an appropriate place for the installation of the deity needs to be selected. The sincerity of the follower, demonstrated through daily prayers, is also important.
Evidence of Successful Enlightenment

A sign that the enlightening works is the altar incense urn . With the presence of the deity, smoke will rise from the altar urn. This can happen even when the urn does not have lighted joss sticks, contrary to what some misguided Chinese believe. This phenomenon should happen within the first 14 days when the deity has been invited into the placement area concerned and also thereafter. Where it has never occurred, the enlightening procedure may not have been done well or the statue may not have been properly selected. Where the presence of the deity is totally absent from the statue, the required protective strength yielded is ineffective.
Prayer Practices

Praying to the deities is done on a daily basis while more elaborate prayer items are included for all festive occasions, such as the Lunar New Year, Dumpling Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Winter Solstice, the birthday of the deity, the enlightening date and every 1st and 15th day of the Chinese Lunar months.
Another point to note is that for Taoist deities, there is the practice of sending and receiving the deity to and from heaven for their yearly report of the happenings in the family. The former is done on the 24th of the last lunar month of the year and the receiving of the deity is done on the 4th day of the new lunar year. A special set of incense paper is used for the respective occasions.

Service offered
Feng Shui
Feng Shui for home and business
Yin Feng shui for memorial lot
Fortune telling
Yi Jing divination
Crystal healing
Kwaditsi auspicious date selection
Eight pillar reading
Taoist amulet for good luck , safety and prosperity
Taoist ritual to attract good luck and prosperity

For appointment and consultation please contact

Master Co
( Feng Shui consultant / Taoist Spiritual Grandmaster and Psychic )
Philippine Hsien Tiak Taoist Temple
Filipino Chinese Taoist Temple of Manila
Contact number : 09186689888

  • consultation are done on first come first serve basis and strictly by appointment only
  • Strictly no appointment no consultation policy

1 comment:

  1. Wow….. I have great appreciation for Feng Shui as it has been practiced from centuries to design environment that enhance condition for success in life.
