Sunday, March 28, 2010

Feng Shui consultant and Psychic Master Co offer free Feng Shui consultation and Bazi reading

Master Co Feng Shui consultant offer free Feng Shui consultation service
Philippine Hsien Tiak Taoist Temple
Filipino Chinese Taoist Temple of Manila
風水 , 八字 , 命相
Though Feng Shui is something that never fails to interest people, many are still not aware of the benefits and effects of Feng Shui and most importantly, the process involved in a Feng Shui consultation.
There are 3 aspects governing everyone’s life journey and its events and happenings – Heaven Luck, Man Luck and Earth Luck. Heaven Luck governs our Destiny or Pwe Di also known as Ba Zi (as called in Chinese) which is unchangeable. Man Luck refers to our actions, decisions and behavior and finally, Earth Luck is the Environment we live in.
Feng Shui analysis is used to assess the energies in our environment and these energies can either exert positive or negative effects depending on many factors from time or period and direction to roads, building structures, reservoirs, mountain or hill, bridges, lamp posts and many others. If there is presence of positive energies in our environment, we can then look at harnessing it and utilizing them indirectly to help enhance or bring about positive outcomes for our goals and objectives. On the other hand, if there is presence of negative energies, we then look at how to prevent and avoid having these energies affect us and bring about negative outcomes like bad relationships or romance, negative harmony, ill health, negative business financials and so on.
The selection of Auspicious Dates for major important events has been observed by many people in Asia for generations. It is almost a common practice especially for couples getting married as everyone wants to start a new beginning on a positive day. Hence, many people have also looked upon it as a cultural practice. But, it is in fact more than just a cultural practice.
In the study and practice of Chinese Metaphysics which include Feng Shui and Bazi, it has been deduced that there are different energies and element that govern both the DAY and TIME. Therefore, on this basis, selecting the MOST AUSPICIOUS DAY and TIME for different important events is strongly encouraged as the positive energies that are activated in relevance to the event will exert positive outcomes and subsequent results. Vice versa, if the day is selected with energies that are in conflict with the individual or the event, the result following that will be negative.
Date Selection is highly recommended for major events like Marriage, Renovations, Office or Shop Opening, Moving Into New Property and Contract Signing. To find out more about the significance of these events, see below :
Selecting auspicious date for marriage
Selecting auspicious date for renovation
Selecting auspicious date for office / shop opening
Selecting auspicious date for moving into new property
Date selection for moving bed
Date selection for stove setting
A Bazi or Pwe Di Consultation is to help us understand our life journey, our strengths and weaknesses and learn the corrective actions to take and the right decisions to make at different times. This will have an indirect influence on the consequence of events and therefore, shape our destiny.
Generally, most people have different concerns and issues facing them at different periods in life. Fresh graduates may sometimes ask if they have chosen the correct field or which industry is more suitable for them. Working executives, on the other hand, may be faced with issues of changing job functions or industry or maybe even calling it quits at some point to give a try in entrepreneurship. And how about parents? Nowadays, the responsibilities of parenthood have changed in this new generation as they continuously strive to give the best in overall development for their children. But do we really know the core strengths and attributes of our children? How can we give them the good and relevant guidance to help them excel in what they are good at?
Knowing ourselves or our loved ones in terms of our attributes, true potential, capabilities, strengths and weaknesses are important. And this is where a Bazi or Pwe Di consultation can help because with this understanding and by knowing the opportunities and obstacles that lie ahead, we learn to make informed decisions to achieve our goals and create a good balance and harmony in life.
Bazi analysis is like a diagnostic tool to help understand the ups and downs for our lives ahead. After diagnosing, we can then make the correct decisions and take the right actions. In addition, Feng Shui can also be used to further enhance our goals or help overcome our problems.
To get the best out of a Bazi or Pwedi consultation , it is important that you prepare yourself with a set of questions and issues to focus on. Below are some questions more commonly asked and we hope this will serve as a guide for you to begin :
Bazi consultation
Bazi consultation for career
Bazi consuiltation for relationship
Bazi consultation for health
Relation of Bazi and feng Shui
1. Having just graduated from school, which industry and job function are most suitable for me ?
2. I have been asked to take on a new role, will this be a suitable opportunity for my career progress ?
3. I have been in my current job for many years and would like to change to a new industry and job role, will this be suitable for me ?
4. I am presented with an opportunity to work abroad, should I move ?
5. I would like to quit my job and go for further studies, is this a good time to make the move ?
6. I would like to quit my job and start some business, which industry and what type of business is most suitable if I have a few options ? Do I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur ?
7. Should I manage the business with partners or run it as a sole proprietor ?
8. For my partnership business, which job function will I be most suitable in?
  1. Which type of medical treatment is more suitable for my existing illness – traditional, western or Chinese ?
  2. What type of illness am I most prone to?
  3. . When should I start taking precautions of certain health issues?
  1. When will I meet my right partner ?
2. How to get my relationships going the right way ?
3. How to improve my relationship with my spouse?
4. How do I get along better with my parents and/or siblings?
The list of questions can go on and on therefore, through your own preparation, you will be able to prioritize what is most important for you at that current moment and focus on making the right decisions after the consultation.
Overseas consultations are also available either through direct meeting or phone. For direct meeting, the client has to bear all flight, transport and accommodation expenses. For phone consultation, the client has to bear all phone charges.
Whether you are selecting a property for Residential or Commercial purpose, it is recommended that you perform a Feng Shui audit of the Internal and External environment first prior to any commitment. While this is not something that usually comes across people’s mind during the selection process, it is nevertheless the FIRST and MOST important factor if you want to get the proper Feng Shui property that is suitable for you and/or your business.
In the selection process, the audit is mainly focused on the External environment. This refers to the area surrounding the building in which the unit is being considered. As the influence of the External environment is very significant, it is more ideal to select a place with positive External Feng Shui than getting one which is less positive and subsequently work on “fixing” the Internal Feng Shui. Remember that energy is received into the place (or Internal) from the outside (External), hence if the property is surrounded with positive Feng Shui, this means this can also be received to the inside.
There are different factors pertaining to Selection of Residential or Commercial property, so see the link below for more information:
Selecting a New Business Premise
Selecting a New House

Cost and Fee for consultation
Meaning of red envelope or ang pao
The Red Envelope also known as Ang Pao is a time-honored tradition within the school of Feng Shui. It underlines an understanding that the Feng Shui information is sacred and powerful.
The rectangular shape of an envelope resembles an ancient Chinese shield, and symbolizes protection from inauspicious Chi or occurrence of any negative events. The bright red color is considered yang - representing positive, active energy, protective power and luck. In China, it is believed that a red envelope will bring good luck to the person who receives it and to the person who gives it.
The Red Envelope or Ang Pao ritual demonstrates the recipient’s sincere intention and respect for the profound knowledge that is shared during a consultation. It is traditional for recipients of Feng Shui advice to present the consultant with a red envelopes or ang pao containing a token of monetary appreciation. Including money in the red envelopes or Ang Pao signals the reality and completion of an important exchange.
Red Envelopes are a respectful way to complete the interaction process between the Consultant and the client. It allows us to connect with the thousands of years of success behind the Feng Shui principles and philosophy.
The exchange of red envelopes / Ang Pao honors the ancient tradition, cultivates clarity and empowers use of information by strengthening and enhancing its effectiveness.
To obtain a free consultation , kindly contact
Master Co ( Feng Shui consultant , Psychic , Taoist spiritual medium )
Contact number : 09186689888 
Consultation day : Monday to Friday 9 a.m to 4 p.m By appointment only
Note : Please take into consideration that consultation are done strictly by appointment only and on first come first serve basis . Strictly no appointment no consultation policy


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