Thursday, March 25, 2010

Master Co feng shui consultant offer free Feng Shui consultation

--> 聞名國際玄學風水命相大師
International Feng Shui consultant / Taoist spiritual minister Master Co offer free Feng Shui consultation and blessing ceremony
Master Co spiritual minister of Philippine Hsien Tiak Taoist Temple and Filipino Chinese Taoist Temple of Manila ( a non profit private religious organization ) has more than 15 years of feng shui experience advising clients from the working class to the rich and wealthy as well as international financial institutions. Among his clients are SM Mall of Asia , SM Megamall expo , Unilab , Rotary of Makati , Umagang kay Ganda , GMA Kapuso Jessica Soho and many others.

What makes him one of the very distinguished feng shui master around is his ability to turn misfortune into fortune for corporations and personal individuals through his gifted feng shui knowledge and ability.

Since 1995, Master Co had been able to predict accurately a number of world events through his gifted abilities and powers which had also enabled him to cure the sick through his spiritual and psychic powers. Master Co has helped over thousands of people throughout the world and his clients spread across the globe to countries as far as Australia, England , Singapore, Dubai , UK, Germany, Taiwan , Malaysia , Japan and USA .

For the year 2000, so far Master Co had accurately predicted the stock market breaching record points, the unrest in Bangkok and the Philippines, the typhoon in China , the next president of the United States and Philippines and many more events.

In the year 2007, Master Co once again has made accurate predictions such as the rise of the stock market breaking the record barrier, the rise of the Australian currency, the bombings in Turkey and UK, the earthquakes in Japan, Taiwan and Indonesia and the bird flu in China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Cambodia. The flooding in India were accurately predicted too.

Master Co accuracy in predictions stems from his powers obtained from heaven. He has received numerous nicknames from people around the world calling him the Living Buddha while the Feng Shui magazine refer him as the Buddha’s representative as well as one of the world’s best feng shui master around.

It is very much easy for a feng shui master to make ba-zi comments after an incident has happened such as the death of a filmstar or the collapse of a building BUT it is never easy for a feng shui master to make accurate predictions around the world.

In addition to the excellent pseudo-scientific knowledge of feng shui , Master Co is also endowed with spiritual powers to cure the sick. Such incidents were witnessed by reporters of Umagang kay Ganda , GMA Kapuso , Business Mirror , SM Mall of Asia etc. who specifically assign their reporters to witness Master Co spiritual healing powers during the recent Chinese new year celebration.
Feng Shui for home
When it comes to your home, it is vital that its energies are compatible with all family members. Since it is difficult to find buildings that are a perfect match for everyone, a feng shui analysis of your home reveals what elements are lacking or overpowering, and what adjustments can be made to the environment to balance the energy and maximize compatibility.
Feng shui adjustments must be made every year to allow for the changing energies of the earth and cosmos.
On Site Analysis includes :
Birth chart analysis for direction and element of all family members.
Feng Shui compass evaluation of interior and exterior environment.
Nine star calculation and interpretations for grand and annual cycles .
Interior floor plan sketched and all room analyzed
60 environmental energy factors considered
Written report of feng shui recommendations
Creating a harmonious environment is just as important in your business as it is in your home , for business generates your income. From the field you choose to work in, to the physical environment, to employee compatibility – Master Co grand view approach to feng shui can play a major role in assuring you prosperity and success.
It's no longer a secret that feng shui can help create a business environment that promotes better opportunities and increases our bottom line. About 8 years ago, Donald Trump made it public that he uses feng shui because he had consulted a feng shui master when he was facing bankruptcy and was able to turn it around. Since then, many corporations are no longer shy about using feng shui to their advantage. It is now a known fact that many Fortune 500 companies have their own feng shui consultant or staff.

Your business can only be as strong as you are. Without knowing who you are, or what you are supposed to be doing in your life, knowing who you work with and what type of environment promotes you, you are unlikely to be very successful at reaching your fullest potential.

My father likes to say in life, we are all like fishermen. Fishermen have two things: their boat and their fishing net. But there are many factors that can influence the success of the fisherman. Are you fishing in the right place? No matter how skilled of a fisherman you are, if you're fishing where there is no fish, you will not be successful. How successful you are also depends on how big your boat is, how fast you can go and the size of your fishing net. Some of us may be fishing in the right place, but our boat is small and our fishing net has a big hole. So no matter how hard we try, we catch very few fish. Some of us are not very skilled fisherman. Some people I know have only a high school diploma, and yet they are successful business people. Why is that? They are fishing in the right place with the right tools. Some of us fish better by ourselves and some need other people to help us fish.

Given that metaphor, we can examine ourselves and our business. First, does the business match you? It is important to know if the field we select is compatible to us. Aside from our basic education and personal skills, we can do a Zi Wei Do Shu birth chart which is a complex astrology chart that calculates 116 stars based on your birth date, birth time and birth place. The chart reveals many things and serves as a guideline, or map, of your life's path. But again, remember that it is still one of 130 factors that influence us. The chart lets us know what financial potential we have, what are our strengths and weaknesses and what are suitable fields for us. In many cases, a person who is working in a compatible field has an easier time of being successful with it than one who is not. Working in an incompatible field can bring many challenges, obstacles and conflict. Also, very importantly the birth chart will let us know if you should work for someone or if you are better off working for yourself.

Are you doing your business in the right place? If you don't fish where the fish are, you cannot be successful so it's very important to find the best location for you. From the birth chart we can find out what city, state, region and country is strongest for you to do your business.
For example, depending on who you are and when your birth date and time is, Philippines may not be the best place for you to establish your business. You'll find that no matter how much marketing you do to try to promote your business or how good your feng shui is, you still have problems with your business potential. Some of us would do better on countries like Asia and middle east. If you cannot re-locate, perhaps you can travel there or have business related to those areas.
Doing your business at the right time of your life is very important. From the chart, we can tell when the strongest period is for you in your life to promote your business. Knowing when you reach a peak in your life is good to know for when you want to change jobs, or reach a turning point in your career. If you start a new business venture, it is very important to make sure that you do it during an ascendant - a positive time in your life - rather than a descendant time. When you start a business in a low cycle of your life, it doesn't mean you cannot do it, it very likely means that without feng shui adjustments, you might find it very challenging.

Are the partners or staff you have in your business compatible to you as the business owner? When you and the staff members are incompatible, it is easy for them to have conflicts with you. If their energy is negative, it can bring negative energy to the business. It might not be their intention to, but because they are a part of your business, it can bring you down. So if there are key people in the business - those who do the marketing, bookkeeping, anything that would contribute to the success of the business - it is very important you do a birth chart on them as well to know that they are in a positive cycle in their life, and that they are doing the business, or job that is compatible to them for your business. If they are not, we need to adjust their feng shui and this will help them.

Does the feng shui of your office match you? Feng shui is one of the easiest, most successful means to change that we can use to promote our life and business. When our business has done all of the promotion it can in the right markets, and our product or service is very competitive and yet the business is very slow - you need to consider other factors that may influence it. It is very important that your working environment reinforces you. There are over 60 factors in analyzing the feng shui of a building: orientation, entries, shape, interior layout, colors, décor, windows, furniture placement and exterior environment, to name a few. All need to be examined and analyzed to see if their characteristics promote you on a personal level.

Many of us spend a large portion of our lifetime working at our business or career so it is vital to take these steps to increase our potential. This ensures success, fulfillment and happiness in our lives
On-Site Analysis Includes:
  1. Feng shui compass evaluation of exterior and interior environment.
  2. Nine star calculations and Interpretations for Grand and annual cycles.
  3. Interior floor plan sketched and all rooms analyzed.
  4. 60 environmental energy factors onsidered.
  5. Written report of feng shui recommendations
Auspicious dates are days when the planets are aligned in your favor for a certain event. Your birth chart will tell you which elements promote you, this will be used to calculate the date for specific events from the Chinese Almanac
It is important to select a date that is favorable to you based on your birth chart, especially for special events such as groundbreaking, moving to a new house, weddings, grand opening, funerals, or signing important documents.
Why is it important to select an auspicious date ?

Sometimes, a house does not have good feng Shui, or a couple does not have a strong karmic bond, or a business is not in the best location. Aside from doing the proper feng shui, having an auspicious date brings more positive energy to bless and empower the event.
Birth Chart
Aside from our basic education and personal skills, a birth chart called the " Zi Wei Dou Shu “ can be used to reveal ourselves. This birth chart is a complex astrology chart calculated using a person’s birth date, time and place. It covers twelve aspects of our lives: career, children, fortune, friendships, health, marriage, money, parents, personality, property, siblings and travel.
Taoist Spiritual healing
Spiritual healing which is a combination of spiritual qi and prayers. Master Co would use spiritual powers to help his clients should the scientific feng shui methods are not applicable.

The above spiritual healing is conducted strictly in a public area, open to everybody for Master Co is a Buddhist and Taoist and he uses Buddha's power to cure sick. For those who come to seek his help, appointment has to be made in advance.

Please come dressed properly and scantily dressed are not allowed inside the temple.

Some of the testimonials from Master Co devotees are:

Vicky Brown from Michigan USA , " Thank you for your spiritual help, now I can sleep well without those horrific nightmares which occured almost everynight anymore."

Mrs. Takamura from Japan, " Our business has improved and thanks a lot for your guidance."

It is hoped that those that have benefited from my services would do more charitable deeds and practice good karma.
Benefits of the Treasure Vase:
If the treasure vase is properly planted or placed, it is a symbol of wealth and authority. Health is wealth and with wealth, one can take all the nutritious food thus remains healthy. Therefore health is wealth and vice versa.
I personally have testimonials from clients who have benefited from the treasure vase. Some managed to increase their business revenue while some managed to obtain winnings from the lottery draws.
Not anybody can afford to have this vase. Only certain people who trusts the benefits of this treasure vase will go all out to have it. First, it is costly and not many people could afford it. As the saying goes, feng shui has always been a rich man’s practice and the rich would obviously get richer.
The treasure vase consists of many items which are difficult to get, one of which is the soil from a rich man’s house. However, due to Master Co large number of rich clients, this should not be a problem.
There are two ways of maximizing the use of the treasure vase, one which is to display in the living room at an auspicious direction based on the KWA number of the owner while the other would be to plant the treasure vase under the ground.
The Eradication of Calamities Taoist Talisman
Prior to the printing and wide distribution of this precious talisman, the usage were limited to people who visited Master Co personally and asked for his help. Master Co has been using these gold paper and Taoist talisman to help thousands of people who faced tribulations, calamities and bad luck. Calamities such as frequent accidents, sickness, blood-related injuries, robberies, thefts, law suits, joblessness or even sales personnel who were unable to close any sales for months. This talisman could also be used to appease dead souls or used as offerings to ancestors. It can be burn during the Chinese " Cheng Beng" festival and the Hungry Ghost Festival on the Chinese 7th lunar month. Master Co boldly speaks of the effectiveness of this gold paper talisman and it's testimonial and success are shown through the increase in devotees attending Chinese new year and temple celebrations every year at Master Co temple.
I would like to stress that thousands of people have already benefited from burning this gold paper and Taoist talisman. However, those who used this talisman for bad intentions will be punished by God." – Master Co

This talisman is also copyrighted and I hope fellow businessman would not infringe on the copyright. Legally, it would be bad luck to burn fake talisman as every piece of it had been chanted a certain number of times by Master Co while in prayer and meditation prior to packing.

Those who purchased and burned fake or pirated copies of this talisman would not only face bad luck but would increase their tribulations.

Part of the proceeds from the sale of this gold talisman would be donated to relevant charitable organizations as requested by my patron saint.
Due to popular demand for Master Co product, Thi Kong Kim or eradication of calamities gold paper and Taoist talisman, unscrupulous businessman had infringed his copyright by producing imitation products.
For those who intend to purchase and obtain the eradication of calamities gold paper and talisman: Please contact
Master Co
Philippine Hsien Tiak Taoist Temple
Filipino Chinese Taoist Temple of Manila
( a non profit private religious organization )
Our mission is to empower you to live to your fullest potential.
Located in Binondo Manila , we offer the full spectrum of feng shui and related services worldwide. Passionately sharing our feng shui heritage to benefit humankind, we are committed to educating the public through books, seminars and multi-media.
Fee :
We do not accept payment for our service but donation in any amount will be highly appreciated and use for charity purpose.
Please take into consideration that consultation are done strictly by appointment only and on first come first serve basis.
Strictly no appointment no consultation policy
Contact detail :
CONTACT NUMBER : 09186689888

1 comment:

  1. master iam interestin for consultation custodio lorenzo antonio dasilva bethencourt 10/08/1972 iam live in venezuela south america
