Thursday, December 29, 2016


Father Co Chinese Ghostbuster , Exorcist Master and Spiritual healer offer FREE Exorcist and Spiritual healing service

Known as the youngest and famous Chinese Taoist exorcist and spiritual healer , Father Co offer FREE exorcism and healing service.

There are many exorcists and healers found all over the world as they cast out evil spirits that lurk inside a person’s body. Priests are said to be the only ones who can cast out these evil forms; having said that, Father Co begs to differ. Why, according to him, anyone can cast out spirits; however, these spirits have a chance of returning to that person’s body who it has possessed. Now how can one live in peace when evil spirits are likely to come back and possess him? What makes Father Co different from priests and anybody else who attempts to exorcise is that he doesn’t just cast out spirits– he burns them back to ashes to completely eradicate them from their existence. 

Father Co  has been a Chinese Taoist divine healer and an exorcist for the almost 20 years. He had a calling when he was praying inside a temple. When he touched statue of the Goddess Kuan Yin, he unexplainably felt a magnetic force and he uncontrollably cried. He was suddenly enlightened and was guided by the Goddess Kuan Yin to exorcise and heal. Goddess Kuan Yin gave him the authority to terminate evil spirits by burning them back to ashes; hence, he is different from other exorcists. Father Co  has a Chinese Taoist Temple and healing center in Binondo. All his services are absolutely free because it is his mission from God and that his gift from God is also free. He was later on featured in The Philippine Star when he single-handedly exorcised a woman who was going wild when she was possessed by evil spirits. To him, nothing is impossible with the power of God.

He was also featured on ABS-CBN’s and GMA news when they called him up to exorcise a woman who was possessed and had mysterious scratches and bite marks from evil forces. The woman was not her usual self for two weeks, her husband said. The evil spirits in her body would suddenly possess her from time to time and it would take 4 or 5 people to hold her down. Even a frail girl would have the strength of an ox once she is possessed. But when Father Co came to see the woman, along with the ABS CBN crew, he easily held the woman down and exorcised her within a few minutes. After the exorcism, he advised the woman to go to temple regularly and give thanks to God. Father Co always advises his patients to pray to God regularly.

After a few weeks, the City Government of Cotabato called up Father Co to ask him to visit a public school in Cotabato where a number of students were possessed. It seemed that the evil spirits go in and out of the bodies of the students. After Father Co exorcised, he eliminated all the evil forces in the school by burning them back to ashes.

Business mirror and other newspaper also featured him for a week wherein he went to several haunted houses and terminated all the evil spirits. And from there, more hundreds of people have been calling him up and asking him for his services whether for exorcism, healing, or blessing of houses. He firmly warns people not to trust albularyos because they acquire their powers from evil forces. He also cautions people not to trust, compromise, or worship in evil spirits or mystical creatures (dwarves, kapreengkanto, centaurs, fairies, etc) because they may promise great wealth, health, and all the good things in life but in return, they will claim one’s soul after death.

 Besides exorcism, Father Co is also doing divine healing under God’s will. Faith is a very powerful thing; it can move mountains. “Healing will be so much easier if patients have faith,” he said. He heals any kinds of diseases and illnesses like cancer, leukemia, tuberculosis, cysts, scoliosis, incubus, etc.  He also heals patients with voodoo spells and whammies. He heals divinely and spiritually without touching the patient, so yes, it is painless.

One instance of the many healings of Father Co’ was a cancer patient. The mother of three boys had a cancer that was first located in her lungs and then spread throughout the whole body. She underwent chemotherapy for several times but to no avail. She soon met Father Co through her friends. After she visited the Temple and healing center where Father Co healed her, he told her to go have a check up again. The next day, the woman called up Father Co and told him that she went to two hospitals. The doctors were very much surprised because there was no trace of cancer in her system. Thrilled to be completely cured, she referred Father Co to many of her friends and acquaintances.

Exorcism is still Father Co favorite because it is the easiest and it will only take him a few minutes to finish it. There are certain times though, when he stalls the exorcism because patients and guests in the Temple are enjoying when there is an exorcism going on. They are fascinated and frightened at the same time. They also find it interesting because Father Co usually talks to the demons or evil spirits in the body of the possessed person. These demons or evil forces answer him back by using the person it has possessed to talk. Patients also get amused when the possessed person cries in anguish as Father Co burns or tortures these evil forces by yanking and breaking their horns or whatever he or the patients come up with.

People who are most likely to be possessed by evil spirits are usually teenage girls because they tend to be weak. These demons and other evil forces usually target the weak ones—emotionally and spiritually weak. The emotions that are weak are: self-pity, anger, and hatred. Evil usually lurks and dwells around people who have those weaknesses. Usually, a possessed person starts to scream all of the sudden and go berserk. And their voice changes into a more masculine, strong and rough voice and out of the blue, their strength maximizes. After the exorcism, the person cannot remember anything that happened while s/he is possessed.

The Chinese Temple of Father Co is filled with many people nowadays. Healing sessions are every Wednesday , Friday and Sunday.  Patients pray and light incense stick before healing begins. Healing usually starts around 9 a.m. and usually ends around late in the evening. Sometimes it finishes up to 3 or 4 a.m. due to a large number of patients. There are also Sunday morning healing sessions and other special cases if necessary.

For those of you who are in need of help in the ff. cases: exorcism, kulam (voodoo/witchcraft spells), and for those who want to ask for house blessings, here is the contact info of Father Co
His services are absolutely, 100% FREE because it is his mission from God. Everybody is welcome.

For healing , exorcism and consultation please contact : FATHER CO 


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